T. Harv Eker once said: “It’s simple arithmetic: your income can grow only to the extent that you do.” It means that wealth isn’t just about work, it’s also about your way of thinking. Rich people invest in profits 24 hours a day, doing ordinary things, but not like us, ordinary people.
I try, as well, to learn about the habits of the richest people in the world and I hope that these things will give you an edge too!
1. Most of the rich people don’t pay money for a wearing brand clothes.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg once explained that this helps him to not be distracted from global goals. He wears a gray shirt every day, because, according to his philosophy, he wants to clear his life so that he has to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve his community.
“I feel like I’m not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life, so that way I can dedicate all of my energy toward just building the best products and services.”

By the way, the second richest man in the world, Bill Gates, also prefers cheap things. For example, he wears a Casio Illuminator W214H-1AB wristwatch, which costs $24. The billionaire himself cheerfully talks about how much they cost.
I am not a fan of brand things and I buy most of my clothes from regular stores and most of the time from sales. My daughter, on the other hand, it’s quite brand interested, and in the last years she wished for some brand jackets. I managed to buy her the jackets she wanted, but we found them on second hand pages. The jackets where like new, almost never used, and I managed to get it for like less than half of the full price. 🙂

2. The rich people eat healthy food.
Writer, public speaker, and philanthropist Tony Robbins achieved a net worth of $500 million. You might think that he spends it on expensive wine and grilled steaks. But in reality, he permanently follows a healthy diet that gets him through his 16-hour workdays.
According to his personal trainer, Tony eats eggs and coconut bread for breakfast, a large green salad with avocado for lunch, and potatoes with organic protein and vegetables for dinner.
I usually eat for breakfast müsli with some fruits and natural yogurt, and I drink a green tea. For lunch at work I bring a homemade salad and for dinner, I usually have a piece of meat or fish with potatoes or rice and some vegetables and a small salad. Cause I like so much Italian food, from time to time I cook some spaghetty Bolognese or a lasagna or I order a pizza, too! 😀 … And I don’t like coffe, so I drink a lot of water during day, too! 🙂
3. Rich people keep a diary.

Rich people spend their time productively. In his book, Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, Tom Corley outlines several of the differences between the habits of the rich and the poor. He states that 81% of wealthy people maintain a to-do list vs 19% of poor people. He believes that this is one of the key habits of wealthy people. The list should include things that have an 80% chance of completion within a day. Then in the evening, you need to sum up the results.
I have a year-book where I write my to-do list for each day and in this way I keep my self both organized and motivated. As I see that many of the must do things from my list are getting done, I feel well and more confident and motivated to keep up the good work. 🙂
4. Rich people limit their workday.

Murray Newlands is an entrepreneur, investor, business advisor, and speaker who works with a lot of exceptionally rich people. He says that not working in the evening is as important as working productively throughout the day. He recommends devoting the time after 6 p.m. to yourself and to not even check an email or answer a work call.
I try, as well, to limit my work day and not to work from home in evenings and weekends. In my weekly schedule, I have two days when I am not home after work. On day I go to do some sports, I go either for a swim or for a training at the gym. On the other day, I go to the chorus, cause I love very much singing and this makes me feel both glad and happy. In weekends, I am usually home relaxing or doing some household chores and meeting out with some friends.
5. Rich people invest in relationships.

Tom Corley has another good tip. He believes that 79% of successful entrepreneurs spend 5 or more hours each month networking. This means staying in constant communication with successful people who can share their experiences with you and talk about their best ideas. Networking with others in your industry will give you knowledge from those who have already made costly mistakes and could end up protecting you from them.
I try, as well, to keep my self connected with people who I admire and from who I can inspire. I even follow them on Social Media and I am getting connected with many peolpe around the world, through different Facebook groups. Internet gives us today unlimited possiblities to stay connected with our friends and loved ones, even if we live in different parts of the world. If we use wisely this possibilities, we can some how cut the distance. We may even get to know many intereseting people from around the world and get new interesting friends.
6. Rich people read the news.

The fifth richest man on the planet, Warren Buffett, also loves reading. He reads about 6 newspapers a day. He explains:
Look, my job is essentially just corralling more and more and more facts and information, and occasionally seeing whether that leads to some action.
I usually watch the news on the TV every morning when I eat my breakfast and I read, as well, newspapers on-line. At work on my breaks, I use to take a look through the newspapers we get in our personalroom and in the evenings when I am home, I try to watch the news, too.
Which daily habits do you think can give you an edge? I would like to invite you to share your thoughts with me! 🙂
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Thank you! 🙂