Most people aren’t born savvy travelers. It’s something that only comes with on-the-road-experience.  In the beginning, I made a lot of travel mistakes. Travel savviness is a process born of missed buses, foolish behavior, cultural unawareness, and countless tiny or big errors. Then, one day, I begun to seamlessly move through airports and integrate myself into new cultures like a fish into the water. I want to help speed up the process and help you avoid my mistakes, so I put together this list of my best 20 travel tips  that cover everything I came up with to help you reach your full…

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Travel used to be my therapy. How do I do to move forward from nowon?

I, as many travelers around the world, can’t stop thinking and talking about how much it sucks not being able to travel and live the life we want to. I hear people around me saying that they feel trapped, or they’ve been down about canceling vacations they were really excited for. But for me, not being able to travel feels like something bigger than that. Travel is the thing I’m most passionate about. When I describe myself to people, the first thing I say is that the most I like to do in life is to travel. I feel like…

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The World’s 10 Best Cities for Architecture Lovers

A city can be shaped by many things—its food scenes, for example, or abundance of shopping options. But perhaps nothing can define a place quite as distinctly as its architecture. Whether it’s through thoughtful urban planning or adapting to cultural movements, the visual design of a city can transport you through time, while planting you firmly in a very specific place. Need convincing? These are the world’s 10 best cities for architecture, from Budapest to New York, which I had the chance to visit either alone or together with my daughter till now. Budapest, Hungary: Art Nouveau Art Nouveau came…

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Being a parent during the pandemic

Under the permanent stress of this pandemic, I’ve got to the conclusion that it’s important to remember that we are best able to take care of our children and our teenagers, if we take really good care of ourselves. Remember, we create the atmosphere in our home and if we’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it’s hard even impossible to create the supportive and positive environment that we want to have for our children.  In order to recharge, there are three things we could do: Make sure you’ve got good social support. This means having someone you can tell our worries…

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How teenagers can protect their mental health during COVID-19

6 strategies for teens facing a new (temporary) normal. Being a teenager is difficult no matter what, and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is making it even harder. With school closures and cancelled events, many teens are missing out on some of the biggest moments of their young lives — as well as everyday moments like chatting with friends and participating in class. For teenagers facing life changes due to the outbreak who are feeling anxious, isolated and disappointed, know this: you are not alone. As a teenager’s mother, this matter is very known to me and that’s why I tried…

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The Swedish Midsummer

In the middle of June, the schools are finally over and the nature has burst into life. It seems like the sun never sets and in fact, in the north of Sweden it doesn’t, and in the south, where I live, only for an hour or two. Swedes call it Midsummer and it calls for celebration! So why do Swedes celebrate the Midsummer? Swedes are fairly well attuned to the rhythms of nature. At Midsummer, many begin their five-week annual holidays and everyone is in a hurry to get things done during the relatively short summer season. Midsummer Eve is…

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6 things I learned from rich people

T. Harv Eker once said: “It’s simple arithmetic: your income can grow only to the extent that you do.” It means that wealth isn’t just about work, it’s also about your way of thinking. Rich people invest in profits 24 hours a day, doing ordinary things, but not like us, ordinary people. I try, as well, to learn about the habits of the richest people in the world and I hope that these things will give you an edge too! 1. Most of the rich people don’t pay money for a wearing brand clothes. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg once explained that this helps him to not be distracted from global goals. He wears a gray shirt every…

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#Stayhome, instead of “From Russia with Love!”

The debut article on my blog is about my travel to Russia, which I was forced to cancle due to the whole Corona situation. Such a bad luck I had! Exactly the day I got our passports with the visa from the Russian Consulate in Guthenburg, on my way back to Malmö, being on the train I heard the lady sitting next to me talking on the phone and saying: ”Denmark closes the borders from 12 o’clock tomorow till the 13 of April!” I couldn’t believe my ears!… So here goes to trash my whole planned in the last details…

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Hello world!

Welcome to my travel and life style blog! Why I like to travel ?! When I say I want to travel I don’t mean I want to stay at fancy resorts or buy expensive brand products from fancy stores around the world. When I say I want to travel I mean I want to discover and explore another places and become, as much as possible, part of them. I want to discover hidden streets, see and climb mountains, swim in seas and oceans and walk along quiet beaches and nice boulevards.I want to meet people who are not like me,…

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