3 reasons to collaborate with us:
- Quality: I focus on creating a qualitative content with both pictures and text. My articles may be use it of my collaborators in their own Social Media and marketing channels. This may be even cheaper than using a professional photograph.
- SEO: I work actively with SEO and focus on creating a long-lasting content. This can mean the post or the article I create about your business/product/invitation may be found and read by many readers years after, in the future.
- Niche targeted audience: I am an micro-influencer and this means I mostly focus on single mother’s aspects of life and travels. My niche may be smaller comparing to others, and with this I can guarantee my readers are your targeted audience.
Are we a good match?
I collaborate with companies which are relevant for my targeted audience. Here are my premises in order to get a good match:
- I publish om my blog content which is produced and experienced of myself (some exceptions may be made for guests posts and articles which I must read and check before publishing).
- All published content on my blog is on English and is targeted to all English speaking single mothers/parents.
- I mark the sponsored content with a (P), no exceptions are made from this rule.
- I accept products or invitations/vouchers as payment for my produced content about you company, product etc.
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We hope that you enjoy taking the journey with us. In the meantime, enjoy your travels! 🙂